Node.js Basic — Setting Up a Project
Let’s have a start for node.js development. There are already so many articles, blog, pdf etc., but i want to explain this for those who don’t have too much idea about javascript but still want to take a chance to develop something in node, so this is the right place. Let’s start and move always one step forwards.
Download the Node.js source code or a pre-built installer for your platform, and start developing today.
Node.js is installed on your system. Now open terminal and type:
node -v and enter
npm -v and enter
Now, you can see that node and npm is intsalled on your system. Just stay to your terminal and type:
Here you can do javascript things, like
> var a = 5;
> var b = 10;
> var c = a + b;
> c
> console.log(c);
Yeppi!! You have done javascript code using node. In next article, we will setup server and will show “Hello Node!!” in browser.
You can reach out to me for any doubt and suggestions. Please share this with others as well.
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Happy Coding!!